Dartmoor: Peat
Barnstaple: Silt
Okewill: Clay
Velator: Silt
Tapley Estate: Loam
Mud-prints (180cmx60cm)
Giclee Prints (32cmx21.45cm)
"St Anne’s Chapel has a remarkable history: a vessel to life after death, a safe house and an educational institution. In this exhibition Edward Crumpton and Alice Vandeleur-Boorer respond to the building in its past, present and future context."... "Inspired by the layers or earth around the building, Alice has used this soil to explore the inherent relationship the site has with the human body and its resonance."... "The photographs and prints are site specific, chosen for their geographical and anthropological relationship to Barnstaple. "
Barnstaple: Silt
Okewill: Clay
Velator: Silt
Tapley Estate: Loam
Mud-prints (180cmx60cm)
Giclee Prints (32cmx21.45cm)
"St Anne’s Chapel has a remarkable history: a vessel to life after death, a safe house and an educational institution. In this exhibition Edward Crumpton and Alice Vandeleur-Boorer respond to the building in its past, present and future context."... "Inspired by the layers or earth around the building, Alice has used this soil to explore the inherent relationship the site has with the human body and its resonance."... "The photographs and prints are site specific, chosen for their geographical and anthropological relationship to Barnstaple. "